Laz’s updates

Latest updates from Backyard Ultra races around the world

hour 8

hour 8 . mauritius lost their number 6 runner on hour 7. so there is one less intact team. malaysia, who already started down by 4 has lost 2 more, as they continue to run in a pouring rain. . weather is all over the place. but the race goes on. . before the race...

Hour 6

Hour 6

hour 6..the runners will be at 25 miles at the end of this one.basically a 6 hour marathon.easy enough,anyone can do that….once.each succeeding 6 hour 25 miler will get harder!.looking at the teams,it would seem that austria has passed hungary in the team speed...

hour 5 is underway.

hour 5 is underway.

hour 5 is underway. one more warning about the spammers... do not click on their fake links for the broadcast. the real broadcast is free. we are taking them down as fast as we can. . the scoring issues are almost under control, and there is now meaningful information...

hour 4 started.

hour 4 started.

hour 4 started. . we have it good in the US. south africa is in the middle of an enormous storm. ukraine had to negotiate with another police group to keep running, even after all the extremes they had gone to in order to be permitted to run... . whatever happens the...

what is happening on the scoring front?

what is happening on the scoring front?

meanwhile, what is happening on the scoring front? . we are down to 5 countries who are still struggling to get their scores up bad mike is working on that. . as we all know, timing people are frustrated by backyards. because they want to put people in some sort of...

hour 3 is under way.

hour 3 is under way.

hour 3 is under way. . for the runners the excitement is still a long way off. but for the organizers the early hours are the most exciting. working out bugs in the broadcast. working out bugs in the scoring. getting into the hourly rhythm to keep things working...

hour 2 is under way!

hour 2 is under way!

hour 2 is under way! . championship level backyarding is so different than the normal open backyard competition... . no one blew out a fast first yard in the USA venue. the first runners came in over 50 minutes. no one is milling around wasting energy between yards....


Relief 37 countries more than 550 runners and countless crew members and race staffs feel nothing more than a sense of relief..after two years of qualifying,months of preparation,and the vagaries of travel in 2022the races are all this point no one is...


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