Hour 27

big dogs backyard begins hour 27:we have had some more golden ticket winners:carlos hernandez for venezuelamalek leroul for algeriaandre ross for namibiaedgar nehemias cali for guatemalawhy, you might wonder,this rash of golden tickets right after the 24 hour cutoff?i...

Hour 26

bigs backyard ultra: starting hour 26:the large class competition is still coming into focus.only 6 complete teams remain:new zealandbelgiumhungaryaustraliacanadaUSAit is far too early to project a winner,but certainly those 6 are ahead right now.so far we have one...

Hour 25

big dog’s backyard ultra starting hour 25!.we have leaderboard.so it is time to start catching up….i will start with the currently most volatile situation:the mid-size competition..sometimes things work out exactly as intended.basically, the small country...

Hour 24

big dog’s backyard hour 24:.we have now instituted a search for IT.the fear is that he has been eaten by coyotes..here in tennessee it was as close to a festive spirit as the runners could muster.by the time they return it will be light,and the next yard will be...

Hour 23

big dogs backyard ultra hour 23:.still no leaderboardand we cannot find ITwe think he is somewhere asleep..but here we are in hour 23.here it is the last hour of darkness.the imminence of dawn is bringing renewalafter so many hours of darkness.the next lap will be...

Hour 22

big’s backyard starting hour 22:.it seemed like i had a rhythm going.checking the fire,doing the whistles and bellsfilling in odd jobs or maybe even eat something while the leaderboard updatedand then doing a post(that from out here in the yard it seems like no...

Hour 21

big dog’s backyard ultra hour 21:.we are all in this together now.teams fighting to keep the full roster intact;15 of them..teams fighting to hold on to reach 24 hours,to make the winner eligible for the individual championships next year..the irish having their...

Hour 20

big dog’s backyard ultra 20 hours: this yard will be the turning point of the night for the US team.when we hit 20 hours it will only be 4 hours to reach 100 miles.three more hours run in full darknessthe 4th hour the sun will come up. canada will get sunlight...

Hour 19

big dog’s backyard ultra hour 19 begins: now it truly feels like a satellite championship.the word going around is that the irish team,still with all 15 athletes moving,is about to be evacuated due to weather…. something called storm ashley,which i just read was...

Hour 18

big dog’s backyard hour 18 underwayit appears that 18 teams still are perfect.denmark may have had some data entry issues,but the IT guys are all asleepgeez, and they havent even been going a full day yet!guatemala is now running away with the small countries...