Persistence is defined as firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

Do you have enough persistence to push yourself further than you think is possible?  Do you have enough persistence to be the Last One Standing? Find out during the 4th edition of the Persistence Backyard Ultra, beginning on August 2nd, 2025.

As a bonus for our Ontario runners, the ultra will be taking place on the August long weekend, giving you an extra day to run, or recover, without having to worry about work.  This will lead to less of those awkward “why are you walking like that?” conversations when you return to work.

Persistence will take place in London, Ontario, Canada, consistently voted the second best London in the world, since 1855.  For the geographically challenged, London is pretty much halfway between Detroit and Toronto (a two hour drive from each), and a 2.5 hour drive from Buffalo.  Then again, if you are geographically challenged, I guess that won’t help you much either.

We are very excited to welcome you to London, and the Persistence family in 2025!

Registration opens on October 26, 2024.  We expect the race to sell out. For complete details about the race and/or to register, click here.

Our race is suitable for everyone ranging from the first-time backyarder to those seeking glory at Big’s Backyard.  Our first three editions saw people reach new personal bests ranging from first marathons, to first ultras, and first 100 kilometre runs.  Our 2022 winner, Amanda Nelson, and our assist, Brian Bondy, both went on to represent Canada at the Backyard Ultra World Team Championships.  Our 2024 winner, Justin Wright, and assist, Francois Decelles, will both be representing Canada at the World Team Championships in 2024.

After her second consecutive win in 2023, Amanda Nelson stated that “a national record could be set on this course.”  That was before Ihor Verys did 107 loops, but you get the point!

The Masters has the green jacket.  The Persistence Backyard Ultra has the prestigious “Laz Jacket.”  Will you claim it?

Previous Results


Last One Standing: Amanda Nelson 33 loops

Assist: Brian Bondy


Last One Standing: Amanda Nelson 32 loops

Assist: Jean-Gabriel Gagnon


Last One Standing: Justin Wright 47 loops

Assist: Francois Decelles

Please feel free to email us at with any questions.