October 17, 2026, – The inaugural edition of Big Bear’s Party Backyard Ultra will take part in Žilina, Slovakia.
This is a parallel event to Backyard Ultra World Team Championship. It will be held at the same venue but using different loop. The runners who did not make it to the top 15 runners in the Team Slovakia will have an opportunity to enjoy the championship vibe. And in the breaks between their loops or after they drop they can cheer for the Team Slovakia.
The loops as usual will be at the reservoir (Vodné Dielo) at the edge of the city with the beautiful Malá Fatra mountains as a backdrop.
The race will start several hours before the Team Championship race and use the regular day loop. After the championship race starts the Party backyard runners will switch to another loop.
Day loop will be run mostly on the trail, the “different” loop will be on the road.